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Blowing Dust or Sand
Strong winds over dry ground, that has little or no vegetation, can lift particles of dust or sand into the air. These airborne particles can reduce visibility, cause respiratory problems, and have an abrasive affect on machinery. A concentration reducing the visibility to ΒΌ mile or less often poses hazards for travelers.
Diamond Dust
A fall of non-branched (snow crystals are branched) ice crystals in the form of needles, columns, or plates.
Dust Devil
A small, rapidly rotating wind that is made visible by the dust, dirt or debris it picks up. Also called a whirlwind, it develops best on clear, dry, hot afternoons
Dust Plume
A non-rotating "cloud" of dust raised by straight-line winds. Often seen in a microburst or behind a gust front.
Dust Storm
A severe weather condition characterized by strong winds and dust-filled air over an extensive area.
Dust Whirl
A rotating column of air rendered visible by dust.
Fugitive Dust
Dust that is not emitted from definable point sources such as industrial smokestacks. Sources include open fields, roadways, storage piles, etc.
Industrial Consumption
The quantity of water consumed in a municipality or district for mechanical, trade, and manufacturing purposes, in a given period, generally one day. The per capita use is generally based on the total population of the locality, municipality, or district.

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     Page last Modified: 25 June, 2009 1:01 PM